The Effect of Associated Companies on Corporation Tax Rates


The impact of associated companies on corporation tax rates can be significant. When you run a business, knowing these connections is not just helpful—it’s essential for accurate tax planning.

Ignoring these relationships can lead to unexpected tax bills or missed chances for marginal relief. With recent changes in corporation tax rules, understanding which companies are considered associated can greatly affect your tax burden.

Want to know how these factors work in real-world situations and which financial links matter? Let’s look into these details further.

Key Takeaways

  • Corporation tax rates have changed from April 2023. Broadly corporation tax is 25%, but there is a band a which the rate is only 19%. This £50,000 band is “split” between your company and any other associated company, so that business owners only have one “bite of the cherry” with the 19% band.
  • These complex rules to avoid abuse have led to an incredible complex set of rules that often throws out some surprising, and occasionally unfair results.
  • When associated companies exists, they may change the bracket at which you start paying higher tax, leading to increased effective corporation tax rates.
  • It’s important to identify associated companies accurately to ensure correct tax rate calculations and to check if you qualify for marginal relief.
  • Ownership control and shared resources between associated companies affect tax liabilities and available reliefs.
  • Incorrectly identifying associated companies can result in wrong tax rates and possible penalties.
  • Regularly review your financial and ownership structures to stay compliant and optimise tax planning for associated companies.

Who this might impact – the net is cast wide

Changes to corporation tax rates and company rules will affect many businesses. You’ll need to reassess your tax obligations and strategies, especially if your business has complex ownership or multiple associated companies.

With the main corporation tax rate increasing to 25% for profits over £250,000 and marginal relief for profits between £50,000 and £250,000, careful tax planning is crucial. Review how the new tax rates and thresholds impact your company’s finances.

If you have associated companies, understand that these thresholds will be adjusted based on the number of associated entities, which could increase your tax liabilities.

Also, reconsider your investment decisions. Changing tax rates may affect the attractiveness of certain investments, so think carefully about where to allocate resources.

If your company has close business relationships, check that you aren’t unintentionally classified as associated. This could lead to higher taxes.

In summary, it’s important to:

  1. Re-evaluate your tax obligations and strategies.
  2. Understand how new tax rates and thresholds affect your financial standing.
  3. Carefully plan investments based on the new tax landscape.
  4. Ensure business relationships don’t inadvertently increase your tax burden.

Stay informed and consult with tax professionals to navigate these changes effectively.

What is an Associated Company – surprising examples

Many businesses might be surprised to find that certain seemingly unrelated entities qualify as associated companies due to specific criteria outlined in the Corporation Tax Act 2010. This can lead to unexpected tax implications, especially if you overlook how ownership control, intercompany transactions, and investment decisions interlock. Let’s explore some examples.

For instance, a holding company with minimal direct operations can still be considered associated if it exercises control over another company through share capital or voting power. Similarly, a company owning preference shares in another entity might also be seen as associated if substantial commercial interdependence is established.

Here’s a table to illustrate various scenarios:

Example Explanation
Holding Company Exerts control via share capital or voting power, even with minimal direct operations.
Preference Shares Holding fixed-rate preference shares in another company may establish association.
Common Director Companies with common directors may be associated if mutual control is evident.
Financial Dependence Loans or significant financial support between companies can indicate substantial interdependence.
Shared Resources Sharing key resources like premises or employees can signify organisational interdependence.

Understanding these associations is essential due to the legal ramifications and potential tax implications. For example, failing to recognise associated companies can lead to miscalculated corporation tax rates and missed marginal relief opportunities. Additionally, intercompany transactions might be scrutinised under transfer pricing rules, affecting your investment decisions.

Recognising associated companies helps you navigate complex tax landscapes, ensuring compliance and optimising tax outcomes. Always review your company structures and relationships to avoid unexpected surprises when it comes to corporation tax.

Corporation Tax Changes in April 2023

You need to be aware of the important changes to corporation tax rates starting from April 2023. Profits over £250,000 will be taxed at 25%, while profits of £50,000 or less will stay at 19%. For those with profits between these amounts, marginal relief will apply.

Consider how associated companies might impact your ability to qualify for marginal relief. Additionally, think about how financial interdependence could affect these changes.

Make sure to review your company’s financials to understand how these new rates and rules might apply to you. If needed, seek advice from a tax professional to ensure you’re fully compliant and making the most of any reliefs available.

Corporation Tax Rate Changes

Starting 1 April 2023, the main corporation tax rate will increase to 25% for profits over £250,000. A reduced rate of 19% will apply to profits of £50,000 or less. This change means businesses need to plan their taxes carefully to optimise their financial strategies. Understanding these new rates is essential for making smart investment decisions and efficient profit allocation.

Here are a few key things to consider:

  1. Tax Planning: Review your current tax strategies to minimise your liability under the new rates.
  2. Investment Decisions: Assess how the higher tax rate will affect your return on investments and adjust your plans accordingly.
  3. Profit Allocation: Strategically allocate profits to take advantage of the reduced rate thresholds where possible.

Compliance will also become more demanding, requiring accurate reporting and adherence to new guidelines. You may need to consider restructuring your business to lower your overall tax burden. Crafting a plan that addresses these points will help you stay ahead and maintain financial stability.

Marginal Relief Eligibility

To determine if you qualify for Marginal Relief under the new Corporation Tax rules starting in April 2023, you’ll need to check your taxable profits and the number of associated companies you have. Marginal Relief is available to companies with profits between £50,000 and £250,000, but these limits change based on how many associated companies are involved. This will impact your tax planning.

You will first need to identify associated companies. This is done through a control test, which looks at common control via share capital, voting power, income rights, or asset rights. Accurately identifying associated companies is crucial for determining your eligibility.

Marginal Relief helps to ease the increase in tax rates, but the relief decreases as profits get closer to £250,000. For example, if you have three associated companies, the profit limits are divided by four, which will affect the relief available.

Whilst in reality technically what happens is that for all companies above the small rate threshold (which is £50,000 for companies with no associates, £25,000 for 1 associate, £16,667 for two associates and so on (keep dividing that £50,000 by the number of associates plus the original company) pay corporation tax at 25%, and then claim marginal relief if the profit is below £250,000, a simpler way to think about it is as follows

  • 19% on first profits to £50,000 (small rate threshold)
  • 26.5% on profits between £50,000 and £250,000
  • 25% on all profits above £250,000

Where there is an associate the £50,000 and £250,000 limits get reduced meaning that the company pays more tax.

Each company is assessed on its own merits, so if you have one company earning £30,000 profit and another earning only £5,ooo, the smaller company will be taxed on all their profits at 19%. The other company will have the first £25,000 taxed at 19% and the rest of the profits taxed at a marginal rate of what works out to be 26.5%. Overall, even though the total profit is £35,000 the rate of tax will be more than 19%, and therefore more than if the companies were just one company. The act of there being two companies means that the tax rate increased without any other reason.

Exemptions for Associated Companies

Exemptions for associated companies under the Corporation Tax changes effective April 2023 can help reduce your business’s tax liabilities. Understanding these exemptions is crucial for navigating the new tax rules.

Here are the main points:

  1. Exemption Criteria: To qualify for exemptions, companies must meet certain criteria. These include substantial interdependence, where economic or organisational interdependence is clear. This ensures that only genuinely associated entities are taxed together.
  2. Dormant Companies are not normally treated as associated companies.
  3. Passive Holding and Loan Creditor Exemptions: If your company is a passive holding entity or acts as a loan creditor, it might be exempt from association. Passive holdings usually engage in minimal trading activities, while loan creditors mainly provide financial support without influencing business operations.
  4. Fixed Rate Preference Shares: Companies that issue fixed rate preference shares can also qualify for exemptions. The preference shares must have a fixed dividend rate, ensuring they don’t affect the control of the company.

Substantial Commercial Interdependence Factors

When looking at substantial commercial interdependence under the new Corporation Tax rules from April 2023, it’s important to see how financial transactions and resource sharing between companies affect their tax bills.

A detailed Financial Interdependence Analysis will help you understand these changes better.

Companies that work closely together often share resources like money, staff, or infrastructure. These shared finances can make tax calculations tricky, especially when figuring out if a company qualifies for the Small Profits Rate or Marginal Relief.

Knowing the economic connections between related companies is key, as significant commercial ties could mean combining profits, which might push them into higher tax brackets.

Let’s break down the main elements that show substantial commercial interdependence:

  1. Control and income rights: Look at how control, like voting power and shares, and income rights, such as dividends, are shared among the companies. Control over assets and income rights is important in understanding financial interdependence.
  2. Commercial links through organisational factors: Check if the companies share management, employees, premises, or equipment. If they do, it suggests they might’ve common economic goals, showing significant commercial interdependence.
  3. Financial transactions and asset control: Examine the financial dealings between the companies, like loans, guarantees, and shared resources. These transactions reveal the level of financial interdependence and control over assets.

By focusing on these factors, you can determine if the companies meet the exemption criteria. It’s essential to be thorough when assessing these elements, as they directly affect the tax implications for the companies.

To qualify for exemptions, you need to show there’s no substantial commercial interdependence. This means carefully reviewing control attributes, income rights, and other financial factors to ensure compliance with tax regulations.

Real world examples

Think about situations where you manage more than one business: maybe you own a property company, oversee subsidiaries, or have family members’ companies to which you’ve lent money.

These examples show how associated company rules can influence corporation tax rates.

Knowing these real-life scenarios helps you understand the financial and tax effects more clearly.

Any other company you have control over

When you manage multiple companies, it’s important to understand how associated companies are defined and taxed. This knowledge can help you optimize your overall tax liability. The tax rules for companies under common ownership can be complex, so each company’s control, ownership, and transactions need careful review.

  1. Tax Implications: The rules under sections 450 and 451 of the CTA 2010 affect your tax rates. If you control several companies, their combined taxable profits might push you into a higher tax bracket, increasing your overall tax burden.
  2. Control Dynamics: Control isn’t just about owning shares; it also involves influencing company decisions. Even if you own a small part of a company, you might still have control if you have rights to dividends or assets. Understanding these dynamics helps forecast tax outcomes.
  3. Intercompany Transactions: Transactions between associated companies must be at arm’s length to avoid tax penalties. If your pricing is off, you could face extra taxes or penalties.

Property companies owned by you

Owning multiple property companies can affect your corporation tax rates due to the rules on associated companies. When you control several property businesses, the tax implications become important. The combined profits of your companies determine the tax rate, which could push your taxable amount into a higher bracket. For example, if your total profits exceed £250,000, you’ll be taxed at the main rate of 25%.

Your investment strategy should consider these tax implications. Think about diversifying your assets to balance profits and avoid heavy tax burdens. Effective financial planning is key. Consolidate your companies’ earnings strategically to benefit from marginal relief if your profits fall between £50,000 and £250,000.

Legal considerations are also crucial. Ensure your ownership structure complies with the rules on associated companies under sections 450 and 451 of CTA 2010. Mistakes here can lead to unexpected tax liabilities and complicate your financial planning.

Always consult with tax professionals to navigate these complexities and optimise your tax position. By understanding these factors, you can better manage your property investments and reduce adverse tax outcomes.


Subsidiaries can have a big impact on your corporation tax rates, especially with the new tax rules from April 1, 2023. When you control more than one company, the tax effects can be significant. The rules about business relationships and ownership control determine how profits are shared and taxed.

Here’s how subsidiaries can affect your tax liabilities:

  1. Ownership Control: If your company owns a lot of shares in a subsidiary, it’s considered an ‘associated entity’. This means the profit thresholds for taxes are divided among all associated companies, which can affect your ability to claim Marginal Relief.
  2. Financial Interdependence: Subsidiaries often share financial resources, making them interdependent. This is important for determining association, leading to combined profit thresholds and possibly higher tax rates.
  3. Business Relationships: Close business ties between a parent company and its subsidiaries can create strong commercial interdependence. This confirms their status as associated entities, influencing the overall corporation tax calculations.

To manage your tax liabilities effectively:

  • Review Ownership Structures: Regularly check how much control you have over subsidiaries to understand the tax implications.
  • Evaluate Financial Links: Look at the financial connections between your companies to see if they’re interdependent.
  • Assess Business Ties: Consider the business relationships between your companies to determine if they’re commercially interdependent.

Companies owned by family members where you’ve loaned money to them

Family-owned companies where you’ve lent money to relatives can impact your corporation tax liabilities, especially with the new tax regulations that started on April 1, 2023. The family ties can make the ownership structure more complex and create financial relationships that affect your tax responsibilities.

When you loan money to a company owned by a family member, think carefully about the loan’s implications. These loans can be seen as financial support, showing strong connections between the companies. This connection can determine if the companies are considered associated, which changes the taxable profit limits and tax rates.

The tax consequences are important. If your family-owned company is seen as an associated company because of shared control or financial links, your small profits rate and access to marginal relief might change. For example, the lower limit of £50,000 and upper limit of £250,000 will be divided by the number of associated companies, which reduces the thresholds available for your corporation.

Understanding these details helps you manage the ownership structure and financial relationships well, reducing unexpected tax bills. It’s crucial to keep clear records and consult tax advisors to handle the effects of family loans on your corporation tax rates properly.


Understanding the details of associated companies is important for managing your corporation tax rates accurately. You need to know how ownership control, financial links, and shared resources can affect your eligibility for marginal relief and exemptions.

Not recognising these connections can lead to costly tax errors.

By consulting tax professionals and staying informed, you can improve your tax strategy and ensure compliance, which will help minimise your tax burden.

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